Hyperparameter search with Weights&Biases

Making hyperparameter search easier and more effective with Weights&Biases sweeps! This example shows you how to combine them with cliconfig supporting nested configuration:

# main.py
from cliconfig.config_routines import update_config
from cliconfig.dict_routines import flatten
import wandb

def main() -> None:
    """Main function."""
    # Create a cliconfig based on CLI
    config = make_config('default.yaml')
    # Initialize wandb to create wandb.config eventually modified by sweep
    # Note that the config is flattened because wandb sweep does not support
    # nested config (yet)
    # Sync the cliconfig with wandb.config
    config = update_config(config, wandb.config)
    # Now the config is eventually updated with the sweep,
    # unflattened and ready to be used


if __name__ == '__main__':

Now you can create your sweep configuration use wandb sweep either from CLI or from python following the wandb tutorial.

For instance with a configuration containing train and data sub-configurations:

# sweep.yaml
program: main.py
method: bayes
  name: val_loss
  goal: minimize
        distribution: log_uniform_values
        min: 0.0001
        max: 0.1
        values: ["adam", "sgd"]
        values: [32, 64, 128]
$ wandb sweep sweep.yaml
sweep_id: ...
$ wandb agent <sweep_id>

This makes a bayesian search over the learning rate, the optimizer and the batch size to minimize the final validation loss.